The ACSFP “Association of Chartered Senior Financial Planners, Inc.” was originally founded in 2003
To assist Life and Health Insurance Agents with Advanced Pre and Post Retirement Planning and Asset Protection strategies. However, because of the number of Security Representatives (Reps) that also held Life and Health Insurance Licenses, including Attorney’s and CPA’s, we extended our enrolment to also include them as well. Since 2003, the ACSFP has conducted many classes around the U.S., with thousands of attendees. All ACSFP candidates must agree to our contractual terms (including our strict code of ethics), pre-study our 330+ page ACSFP Manual (which usually takes approximately 125-130 hours), attend our 3-day extensive review course (which runs from 8:30am–5:30pm all three days), and complete our supervised closed book exam.
6909 S. Holly Circle, Suite 200
Centennial Co. 80112
(303) 910-4373
We only do private classes for large insurance and estate planning agencies, and IMO’s (Independent Marketing Organizations). Our members include Life/Health Insurance Agents and Advisors, Security Reps, Attorneys, CPA’s, Bankers, Broker Dealers, CFP Members, Investment Advisors, Estate Planners, and Home Office Employees. We suggest you go to our “Testimonials” to see what they thought of our 3-day review course. If you are interested in learning more about our three day private classes and the cost, please contact us.
Here are some of our past classes.
Our Primary Focus
Is to ensure that ethics, tolerance for risk, and proper strategies are used in Advanced Pre and Post Retirement Planning, and to assist in developing Asset Protection strategies and By-Passing Probate for our member’s clients. We are always consulting with experts in their fields to make sure our suggestions are up to date. All ACSFP Members are held to the highest of ethical standards.
can anyone file a complaint against an ACSFP member
Yes. Since our inception, we have always allowed any consumer, insurance company, or anyone else, to file a complaint against an ACSFP Member. All complaints should be sent in writing to us along with any documentation. All complaints are fully investigated and if any ACSFP Member is found to be in violation of the strict code of ethics they have agreed to, then they will be terminated with cause and reported to the proper authorities. In the unlikely event we had to terminate an ACSFP Member for cause, they would also lose all rights associated with being an ACSFP Member. Since our inception in 2003, no ACSFP Member has ever been terminated for cause and we have had thousands of insurance agents and security reps, which might also be Attorneys, CPA’s, Bankers, and Home Office Employees take our course.
the word “senior” in ACSFP
Should not it imply that our members only work with or target senior citizens. Rather, as our brochures, code of ethics, and contractual agreement states, the word “Senior” implies that our members have been trained in more Advanced Pre and Post Retirement Planning and Asset Protection strategies. Thus the word "Senior" refers to a level of experience (education), not the age of a target client base. All ACSFP Members have the training to assist people of all ages with their Pre and Post Advanced Retirement Planning and Asset Protection strategies.
why is there a need for asset protection?
Many people who own property and have assets are concerned about bypassing probate and protecting their assets and property from motor vehicle accidents, personal injuries occurring on their property, lawsuits, con-artists, dishonest relatives, business liabilities, malpractice claims, and the many other liabilities that exist today. Seniors are especially vulnerable to these potential asset draining misfortunes, and need to take extra precautions and plan differently than younger people who are still working. Many seniors are also concerned about the Medicaid "Spend-down" rule. Our classroom course will teach you about these problems and their logical solutions. Being an ACSFP Member means you have been trained to correctly steer your clients in the right direction so they can protect their assets from the many hazards that exist today.
Does the ACSFP Have Any Consumer Brochures?
Yes! We have prepared two brochures entitled: Why I Became an ACSFP Member and Why I Became a CSFP-Chartered Senior Financial Planner. If you work or sell for an Insurance Company or Broker Dealer that allows you to use our designation, you could use the brochure entitled “Why I Became a CSFP-Chartered Senior Financial Planner.” If you represent an entity that prohibits you from using our designation, you may use the brochure, “Why I Became an ACSFP Member.” The ACSFP Member Brochure does not contain any designation nor does it contain our CSFP-Chartered Senior Financial Planner designation. It informs your prospects and existing clients of your relationship with the ACSFP. Please note that both of our brochures are available with three different pictures on the face. Feel free to review them online.
Advertising Guidelines:
When the ACSFP filed for US Trademark protection of our highly respected CSFP-Chartered Senior Financial Planner designation in 2003, the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) Board objected and claimed infringement of trademark rights to their CFP® designation. After lengthy legal negotiations it was mutually agreed by both parties, CFP and ACSFP, that all ACSFP Members that desire to use the ACSFP acronym “CSFP” must spell out next to the acronym “CSFP” Chartered Senior Financial Planner. This mutual agreement the ACSFP has with the CFP Board is a contractual provision in your ACSFP Contract that each ACSFP Member agree to. Violation of this provision would be grounds to terminate your ACSFP Membership. Therefore, if you advertise our acronym “CSFP” on your business card or elsewhere, it must be presented as follows:
John K. Doe, CSFP (Chartered Senior Financial Planner)
OR John K. Doe
CSFP (Chartered Senior Financial Planner)
OR John K. Doe, CSFP
Chartered Senior Financial Planner
OR John K. Doe, Chartered Senior Financial Planner
“‘The Best class around – Everyone needs it.’”
“Excellent, best presentation, best-written material. Great reference material for a real professional.”
“Every agent needs this class.”
“‘The class was very informative. The Index Blaster I can’t wait to use. Well worth the cost of the course. Both in time and dollars.”